At the time, would anyone have believed that Jesus being arrested, then killed, was God's purpose? Did Joseph, or his brothers, see or know that beating Joseph, and selling him as a slave to another country, was God’s instrument? In either of these scenarios, was it foreseen by anyone that these devastating acts were actually God's plan for saving them?
Genesis 50:20 - “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”
After Jesus was arrested, then killed, the hopes of many were crushed. They expected a physical, tangible revolution. They anticipated that Jesus, if He was the promised messiah they had been waiting for, would take over rulership of the kingdom and government.
That was what logically made sense to them. How else would their people get back “their Nation”? They had several prophets, for hundreds of years, declare and promise that a savior was coming that would restore the people, their nation, and their land.
When Jesus was killed, it took away every fathomable, logical idea of how their people would get their country back. Jesus must not have been the Messiah. Because He was killed. And He obviously hadn't restored the Jews back into power of the country. It looked like He really hadn't saved anybody, not even himself.
What about Paul, and the New Testament church? How did they grasp the change from the way they had always known religion? The way they had been instructed, BY GOD, since the time of Moses, to worship. The way they had always had church.
The rules that they followed, to honor God. All the synagogues they had built and the years many had spent studying and knowing His law, teaching His law. And now, it just wasn't going to be this way anymore? It didn't make any sense.
Why would God be “undoing” all He had instructed, all they had done, and known, for all these years? It seemed not only ridiculous, but offensive. I’m certain that many had thoughts like, “we have been “doing church”, and praying, worshipping, and EVERYTHING in the way we have known, and God has shown up. Which proves this is His way. So, I’m not going to do anything different from how it has always been.”
In Isaiah 42 & 43, the topic of Israel being captive, oppressed, and controlled by a government, was being discussed. At one point the people declare and remind themselves of How God delivered Israel from Egypt. How Mighty and, unexpectedly, miraculous it was in the way that God rescued them.
But even after these declarations, made in faith and in hope, the people were instructed, “Okay, thank you. Yes. Yes I, (God), did save Israel that way. And again, I will save you, rescue you, keep you and protect you. But, not like you think.
Isaiah 43:18 - FORGET, Do not remember the former things. Or ponder the things of the past.
I can assure you, if you read these chapters in the context of their writings, God was referring to the people focusing intently on “HOW God had saved them in the past”.
I’m not taking away that God also does not want us to focus on the sins and failures of the past. That is also true. But, it’s like saving manna for the next day. For the future. Yes, God provided manna for them. But it was His way of provision for that day. For that time. Don't keep looking for the same provision, the same miracle, in the same way.
Isaiah 43:19 - Listen carefully, pay attention, or else you might miss it. I’m not doing it “that way”, this time. I AM about to do a new thing. Now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? Will you be able to recognize that it's me, it's my provision?
When Israel saw the waters split apart they had to be encouraged and told to not be afraid. Then instructed to walk through before they recognized that the movement of the waters was God's rescue plan.
When they were hungry in the desert and God provided manna. The word “manna” means “What is it?” It took them a while to recognize God's provision, His miracle and plan.
When Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and lived as a slave in Egypt. It was 20 some years later that He recognized, “this was God's plan and provision.”
How long did it take the believers in Jesus? How long will it take us to recognize His new way?
Something new is occurring. Some things we can't control. Things that look and feel out of control and scary. But I assure you, God is always in charge.
Instead of fear, worry or concern, let's be at peace. It’s in peace, and humble acceptance, of the situations and trials in our life, that we can hear and see God showing us what, and where, His plan and provision is. He never fails. He never loses. He is never not in control. He is, always has been, and always will be, Almighty.
Maybe the end, the death, of something we have always known is the resurrection and the life of what God is doing now. Lets be open to forgetting and letting go of the old ways and be open to see and recognize the “new thing” God is doing.