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Writer's pictureShiloh Humble

Mental, Emotional, and Physical Realms

Mental, Emotional, and Physical Realms

What if there exist different realms? Just as there is a "material realm", what if there exists a realm of thought or a "mental realm"? And, similarly, what if there were also an "emotional realm"?

What if these three realms functioned as a triad, constantly affecting and being affected by the others; yet, each one was very individual, unique, and real in and of itself? What if thoughts and imaginations were the food (nutrients) of the mental realm: the food that fueled our emotions and actions within both the emotional and material realms? And, perhaps, all foods (thoughts) are permissible, but not all of them are beneficial (1 Corinthians 6:12).

What if some of the food (thoughts) were grown from different seeds, and these seeds were called "intention"? One seed grows food (fruit, thoughts) from the intentions of selfless love. The other from intentions of selfish love. What if the food (thoughts) from both seeds sometimes appeared "good", making it difficult to recognize which seed (intention) they grew from?

What if, as a way to discern which food (thoughts) came from which seed (intention), we had to contemplatively stare at the thought (food) and inspect it, relying on something like our intuition? What if this inspection, this discernment and intuition of thoughts (fruit, food, or imaginations) occurred, at least partly, in the emotional realm? Perhaps the appearance of each food (thought) has some effect or impression on our emotional being in the emotional realm: perhaps each food (thought, imagination) has its own varying degree of emotional appeal.

Maybe the food (fruit) of the first seed (selfless love) has a humble appeal. The emotions that align with and desire this type of food are emotions of peace, patience, joy, contentment, etc. The appearance of the food (thoughts) from the second seed (selfish love) has an allure that appeals to emotions in the form of impatience, anxiety, insecurity, fear, discontentment, wanting, etc.

What if we choose our thoughts (food) based on emotional appeal? If so, then our choice of food (thoughts, imaginations) would depend upon the health of our emotional beings, which exist in the emotional realm. What if our emotions were a very influential part of our selecting which thoughts (food) we consume in the mental realm? If this was so, then emotions that are content, whole, and secure might choose thoughts (food) to consume (entertain, or align with) that are from selfless love. Whereas, emotions of discontentment, brokeness, and insecurity might choose to consume (entertain, or align with) thoughts (food) that are grown from the seeds of selfish love. These might also be understood as subconscious decisions (choices).

What if the thoughts (food, fruit) that our emotions and minds choose to consume (agree with, or entertain) are the choices, actions, and pursuits that we act upon in this material realm? It has been said,

Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny. ― Lao Tzu

If we (in the emotional realm) feel broken and in need of love, we might mentally be drawn to thoughts, imaginations, and fantasies (food) that promise quick relief. Such thoughts, ideas, and imaginations seem like satisfying solutions but are anecdotal at best. The entertaining of these thoughts often leads to the actual, physical (material) pursuit of such thoughts, imaginations, or fantasies. Which, as many of us know from experience, are found to be temporarily fulfilling, yet ultimately problematic.

If it were true, that the state of our emotions strongly influences the selection of thoughts and imaginations that we dwell upon, and that our thoughts ultimately lead to our actions, then would that not mean that our thoughts and emotions are directing our lives?

Many people who are unaware of these subconscious parts of themselves have expressed that they feel “as if something else is directing or controlling their lives”. Individuals have stated that “for some unknown reason”, they continue to “make the wrong choices", "no matter how hard they try".

In Christian theology, it is taught that God created the earth (specifically a garden) and gave humans the task of taking care of it. However, this perspective only accounts for one realm of existence, the material realm. If all of these realms exist, mental, emotional, and physical, and if all three realms together make up the individual beings that we are, then wouldn't God's words and instructions apply to each realm equally? And, if God created it all, then wouldn't these "realms", these parts of our being, fall under the direction that was given to us; to guard, keep, and tend the Garden?

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

Genesis 2:15‭-‬17 NIV

It is easy to imagine a physical man, a physical garden, and physical fruit within the material realm. But, this instruction and symbolism should equally apply to the mental and emotional realm.

Perhaps we need to consider that this Garden is us. We, as spiritual beings, have been given our mind, emotions, and body, to tend, to guard, and to keep. Perhaps we do not need to solely focus on actions performed in the material realm. Perhaps we have forgotten two-thirds of ourselves, leaving two-thirds of our being unattended, unguarded, and unkempt. It may even be possible that the material realm, our physical bodies, and even our actions, should not be the primary focus of our attention. This may be what is alluded to in many proverbs that mention gaining things (in the material realm) but losing your own soul (in the mental and emotional realms).

Perhaps our primary focus should be on the health and well-being of our minds and emotions. Maybe our minds and emotions are like outer ethereal walls (or spiritual, energy-bodies) that are meant to guard our physical bodies and direct our physical actions. If our outer walls, our mental and emotional bodies, are broken down, weak, and suffering, this would leave our physical bodies vulnerable. We may find things happening to us, or worse, making choices, that are harmful to ourselves or others. Then we look at what we have done (chosen) and wonder who has possessed us to behave in such a manner.

Perhaps we need to rebuild the walls of our emotional and mental bodies. Maybe they are malnourished from unhealhty food (thoughts, beliefs). Maybe our broken emotions keep choosing unhealthy nutrients, and the cycle of unhealthy thoughts and emotions won't stop, even if we pray for it to stop. Simply because God told "us" to tend our Gardens.

Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control. (Proverbs 25:28)

Paying attention to our minds and emotions requires work. This requires attention, insight, and wisdom. What we consume, or agree with (thoughts, imaginations, etc.) requires close inspection, for even Eve "saw that the fruit (thoughts, imaginations, ideas, and fantasies) of the tree was good and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

(Genesis 3:6 NIV)

This same scenario is played out in our lives, daily. This is why Paul instructs us to closely inspect our thoughts, to detain them, and determine where they came from and where they plan to take us (2 Corinthians 10). Many things will be offered to our emotions, which is why we must learn to remain in the emotions of the Holy Spirit; peaceful, loving, patient, and gentle. We are encouraged to focus on things (thoughts, food) that are pure, worthy, lovely, true, and of good report (Philippians 4).

Individuals who do not understand, and therefore do not guard, tend, and keep watch over their thoughts and emotions often find themselves in devastation, pain, sorrow, and regret. But for those who will awaken and begin to tend to these areas of our souls, we can begin to align our minds (thoughts) with the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). We can begin to pay attention to and align our emotions with the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). When our minds (in the mental realm) and emotions (in the emotional realm) are tended to, adjusted, guarded, and rebuilt like the walls around a city, our physical beings will more freely choose physical actions and responses in this material realm that create moments of heaven on earth, for ourselves and others. Our actions and our lives can begin to prove that we are children of God, and disciples who have learned from Christ, because of the way that we show selfless love in whatever we do (John 13:35).

Do not neglect the task that is before you. There is a garden in the heart and mind of your soul. The Father wants to walk through this Garden with you. He wants to instruct you and teach you. He wants to see what you will do with it. As our minds (thoughts), emotions, and actions begin to align together, under the banner of selfless love, we will become like a triple-braided cord. And even when the enemy comes to test the structure and soundness of our walls (mind and emotions), and attempts to cause division between the three realms of our bodies, thoughts, and emotions, we will pass the test …

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A triple-braided cord is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

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