According to the esoteric and symbolic sacred scriptures of several religions, the first and only warning (loving limitation; commandment) given to humans was to not eat the fruit which blooms from the knowledge of good and evil.
The fruit of knowledge are thoughts. Thoughts, perspectives, opinions, and judgments of what is good and what is evil. Judgements and knowledge which only the unlimited, inconceivable, and infinite Creator of All could know and at the same time remain perfect, unmoved, at peace, and in Love.
The problem wasn't that we shouldn't know the differences between good and evil; the problem was that finite humans (human minds) could not remain unchanged, peaceful, and in perfect love when they had become aware of the polarities and potentialities of good and evil. Specifically, a limited human mind having become aware of these polarities, without the mental faculties to remain at peace upon the learning of such things, would immediately be contaminated with fear, causing the human to become imperfect, fallen from the previous state of heavenly peace, and the mind would become darkened.
To become united again with Christ, the Tree of Life, is to return to a place where we have renewed our minds and eradicated all fear. Christ's Love, His faithful promises, His action, intervention, and involvement in our lives, is all for the purpose of giving us the opportunity to renew our minds. To renew our opinions, our thoughts, our judgements, our perspectives, etc.
The Mind of Christ is ours, if we will choose to trade it for our impure mind. His mind does not fear, does not worry, it is not anxious. When the fallen mind fears, choose to renew its beliefs. The goal is Christ, the prize is a mind and life free of fear.
Our goal is, first and foremost, to renew the mind within our being. The Apostle Paul makes reference to this in several places. A renewed mind allows Christ (who is in our hearts) to live through us, to desire through us, and to be Him on this earth through us. Christ in our hearts is limited when we live by our limited and fallen (fearful) mind.
As Jesus said, It Is Finished. His work is Finished. It's now up to us, with the help of His loving Holy Spirit, to work out our Salvation by renewing the way we think, judge, believe, etc. Stop thinking, judging, and perceiving like the world does. You can be transformed if you will only put in the effort to renew your mind. Once the mind is renewed, the Spirit of Christ (in your heart) will be able live through you freely, uninhibited by the darkened mind of fear, worries, and lower perspectives.