In whatever area(s) of; our mind, psyche, subconscious, our soul, and emotions. In whatever memories, or trauma, whatever experiences, that we allow ourselves to hand over to God. To trust Him with. Giving Him permission, and allowance, for renewal and healing. There, in that internal place, we can become free.
If we can choose in each different memory of incidents we've experienced, to trust that God was there. Trust that He is, and was, Good. If we will let ourselves believe that He loved, and loves, us. Even if in that trauma, or memory, we questioned if He really was there with us. Questioned His “being good” and His protection, or His love. If we can dare, will choose, to believe. It is then that we can begin to experience consolation and healing.
If we can face each trauma and memory and tell ourselves, tell God, we trust Him. Even though we still feel fear. Even though we still feel pain, rejection, anger, or hatred. If we choose trust anyways, then we are consciously choosing to allow God, who is Spirit, to come into that moment. Into that trauma, that fear, that memory. And wherever God's spirit is at, in that dark den, or room, or prison cell within our psyche, emotions, and/or subconscious, there will be freedom.
There in that place, in that moment of history, of trauma, in that moment of eternity, His spirit can come in. Because we allow it. Not because it logically makes sense. But because we believe, by faith, that He is, and was, always with us. That He is good, He is loving, and that He heals us.
As God's Spirit is allowed, granted permission, by us to enter that place, that cell of our minds and hearts. Then there, in that place, in that memory that continually, even for years, has been reverberating trauma and fear. In that place of the hell inside of us, He comes in. And where His spirit is, there is freedom.
Where his spirit is, His Love enters. His perfect love that casts out fear. Where His spirit is allowed, His spirit, which is Truth, enters. And The Truth sets us free.
The Spirit of love, truth, freedom, the Spirit of the unfathomable, beyond our imagination, God enters the areas we allow him access and sets us free. Heals us from the poison of unforgiveness, virus of bitterness and resentment. His spirit sets us free of fears and lies of unworthiness, being unlovable, of not being good enough. Wherever The Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. The Spirit of God will come to, and heal, any trauma, rejection or pain that we ask Him to.
When He does come to those wounds the challenge within us will be to release, and let go of, the resentment, the anger, or unforgiveness. The only things that we had, for years, as a defense mechanism. That numbed some of our unbearable pain.
In facing these fears, of letting these old, toxic, defense mechanisms go we must be brave. We will benefit from taking, what feels like, a great risk. It’s in this step of courage and faith that we find healing, and learn a healthier way of living for our future.
Let's ask Him to help us heal in whatever pains or traumas haunt us. Recognize an individual trauma, or place of pain you have. Invite God’s Spirit to come to that place. Meditate on what He shows you, says to you.
Take time to introspect, where do we need His spirit to come heal our heart and minds. Where are we afraid to venture, to revisit, because the trauma and fear was too great for us to face again. Be bold and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread, for The Lord your God is with you wherever you go. And He will never leave you, nor forsake you.
Let's boldly face the areas that fear, darkness and misery has ruled in our minds and souls. Let's bravely walk with our Father, to each of the areas inside of ourselves. Go into the Land of our mind, soul, and emotions. Letting God teach, heal and direct us in how to conquer each individual lie, fear, and enemy that has occupied our, God given, land of promise.